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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 20, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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the red sox are the heart of the city and after friday's game was canceled because of concerns about safety, 37,000 poured into fenway park to show the world they are boston strong. >> we are one. we are boston. we are strong. >> support that filled the stands with victims, volunteers and first responders on the field. a moment of silence followed by a very loud display of unity and determination. ♪ the home of the brave >> reporter: boston strong, a clear sign the city is beginning to heal. and for the record, the sox won 4-3 after a late inning home run. really a fitting end to an emotional and important day in the city. live in boston, back to you now. >> there's also word tonight the younger suspect kept up what appeared to be a norpal life
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after the bombings, went to school and attended one party in his dorm last week. witnesses say he was relaxed and show no sign of trouble and friends joked after seeing photos of the suspect that it looked like their dorm buddy but never imagined it was him. this photo was released shows authorities searching the suspect after 24 hours on the run. here's a time line of the events that led to yesterday's resolution. at 10:30 thursday night on the east coast, an m.i.t. police officer was ambushed and killed, shortly after the brothers allegedly carjacked a mercedes, releasing the driver at a gas station unharmed. around 1:00 a.m. eastern standard time police spotted the car in watertown and attacked with explosives. after a shootout, 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev was killed.
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several explosive devices in the streets were detonated and governor deval patrick urged all of boston to shelter in place. that was lifted ten hours later. shots erupted in watertown again and federal investigators received a tip that a person covered in blood was inside a boat in a woman's backyard. at 8:45. after another round of gunfire officials announced they had the suspect in custody. hundreds waiting on the streets erupted in cheers applauding the work of law enforcement there. the parents of the two suspects are speaking out, both believe their sons are innocent and they say they think they were framed. nbc's adrian long reports from moscow. >> reporter: the father of the two suspects believes they are innocent and told nbc news that he believes they were framed and he's frightened for his younger son. he said he last spoke to the two
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boys just right after the marathon on monday, 26-year-old tamerlan now deceased and dzhokhar in the hospital, he wanted to make sure they were okay. the mother of the two sons claims that she believes also they are innocent and described them as good curt yous and mode students. >> what i can say, i am pretty sure, like 100% sure this is a setup. my two sons are really innocent and i know that my -- neither of them never, never have talked about whatever they think about now. >> reporter: tamerlan became more religious and was praying five times a day. she last spoke to him in february. president obama went with his national security council at the white house, the team rev w
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reviewed events in boston for an hour and a half. the head of the cia and fbi briefed the president on the investigation and as well as the efforts to combat terrorism. they had remaining questions, including the one everyone is asking, what pushed the bombers to do it and what did they hope to accomplish? >> the events in boston plaped a role in the neighborhood response team or nert drill in san francisco today. the drills are held by the fire department several times a year and anyone can sign up for free. it covers everything from first aid and search and rescue to any type of disaster. today's drill was an earthquake drill, the bomtings in boston were on everybody's mind. 50 signed up last minute after the marathon. >> it brought more seriousness to the volunteers approach, maybe a casual approach, go to the drill. now there's a pressing urgency about keeping our skills fresh.
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>> the program is training 24,000 people since the loma prieta earthquake. setting out on a special mission, the new journey these world war ii vets are embarking on. >> reporter: live in palo alto, a meeting on gun control has wrapped up. i'll tell you what happened during that event in a live report. and the warriors played in the first playoff game in six years. we'll show you how it went coming up in sports. good afternoon, this evening temperatures today about 10 to 15 degrees above average. gilroy our warmer at 85. even san jose, 76 degrees. still warm at this hour. we'll break down when it gets even warmer in the next couple of days after this.
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the failed attempt by the senate to strengthen gun control prompted action here in california. one move some bay area leaders hosted a public forum today with new ideas and nbc bay area's kimberly terry is there for us now. >> reporter: the palo alto ch chambers was packed for a town hall meeting. this comes three days after the
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u.s. senate rejected a bipartisan bill that would have required background checks for all gun purchases, including those made at gun shows and also would have expanded bans on assault weapons and high volume ammunition. representative anna esh shoe was joined by mike thompson, the chairman of the house task force on gun violence prevention. the vast majority of the crowd was in favor of the legislation. but they had a lot of questions for both representatives and about most of them were about what lawmakers are going to do next. >> we have many loopholes that need to be closed. this is not about law abiding citizens owning their guns or hunters, sportsmen with their sports. this is about something else. and so i was able to tell my constituents today what legislation i'm on as well as my insistence and my hope that the
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united states house of representatives will take up a vote. people deserve to know where their representative stands. >> reporter: she says the defeat of the bill in the senate is round one and hopes the house of representatives will also take up the hot issue now about 125 people were at today's meeting. nbc bay area news. still to come at 5:00, they fought side by side in world war ii and now some of these veterans are going on one more mission together. we'll show you their special journey coming up.
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this weekend a group of bay area world war ii veterans set out on a special mission. they are heading east on a journey of honor and remembrance. >> we were at japan when they surrendered. >> captured in the balkans, so we gathered in san francisco international airport, trading stories, swapping memories. >> what was your job? >> i was a banker. >> reporter: 24 veterans forever linked in their service in world war ii. their days of glory long past
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along with many of the friends they shared fox holes and navy decks. >> the bad thing about it so many world war ii veterans are gone. that's the sad thing. >> reporter: this gathering wasn't about sadness. it was about one more mission, one more journey into the past. these bay area world war ii veterans were heading back to washington, d.c. to visit for the first time the national world war ii memorial. >> this is a memorial that's been built to honor freedom and they are the generation that has given that to us. >> reporter: it was a freedom paid with young lives. george paebody was shot in the leg. >> it suddenly became evident this is not boy scouting anymore. >> reporter: ralph davies was among five brothers who served in the war. >> we were the generation that saved the nation. so that's very important for anybody coming up behind us.
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>> reporter: the sight of these veterans passing through sfo on friday, caught the emotions of travelers and veterans. the pilgrimage east was arranged by the volunteer group, honor flight northern california. >> we feel it's the least we can do to give them this trip to honor themselves and their friends that were lost. >> it means closure for our world war ii and the fact that japan and germany were trying to conquer the world and they failed. >> reporter: many of the veterans now in their 80s and 90s say it's likely one of the last major journeys they'll make. >> before we're gone. >> reporter: so these 24 men and one woman boarded a plane, some for first time since the war. to a place where the history of their honor and sacrifice will live on in granite and steel for
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generations. joe ro sat to. anthony, we did enjoy time outdoors with my dad and it was gorgeous. >> anywhere you went across the bay today, it might have got you thinking about the beach maybe? let's get you into the time line for tomorrow. santa cruz, temperatures will start at 50 degrees as we get to 11:00, we'll be in the 60s then the 70s and 3:00 look at major warming from the 70s to the 80s. 82 degrees in santa cruz for tomorrow. 76 in santa cruz, 82 in gilroy, san francisco, 84 degrees. lots of blue sky here at this current hour and a little bit of haze in the distance which you'll notice, again, a crystal clear picture is what we're looking at. that will be with us through the rest of the upcoming weekend.
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the heat starts to crank as we head through the day tomorrow. 71 was the high in san francisco today. tap on another 50 degrees tomorrow. mid-70s in places like livermore, 80s today and close to 90 degrees for tomorrow. it's going to be a blazer of a day. unfortunately with this heat comes a little bit of a air quality problem so the east and south bay will look at moderate air quality. if you have any respiratory ailments limit your time outdoors. 52 in san francisco, 50 in san rafael. to the east bay, 51 in concord and 50 in livermore. once the day gets going, temperatures will warm again quickly. 82 in santa cruz tomorrow. one of the warmest, 88 in gilroy for tomorrow afternoon. even in san jose, not bad, 83 degrees. some of the warmest air will be located to the south and east bay around the tri valley -- 86 in livermore, 88 in walnut creek. to the coast, not bad there,
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offshore winds and we'll talk about temperatures again about 5 to 10 degrees above average, 75 in san francisco, 84 in santa rosa. in your three day forecast, tomorrow about 5 degrees, another 5 degrees for monday. we'll be around 90 degrees with a few records likely for monday and even tuesday, it was 88 inland. the coast will cool as we hit the middle part but this is the longest stretch of warm weather all year long. it's beautiful across the bay. we were talking on the break, we're so spoiled with the beautiful plants and trees and three weeks, it will all be gone. >> it will. it's going to be brown but we call it golden. >> golden state. >> thanks, anthony. let's bring in comcast sportsnet and i'm assuming giants and warriors news. >> you perfectly pegged it. the giants in action later and
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you'll never guess who's catching tim lincecum and a special return to fenway park for bostonyans. the warriors back in the playoffs for first time in six years opening up against the best home team in the nba. highlights with game one with denver are up next on nbc bay area.
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when their season began back on halloween, not a whole lot of people were ready to call the warriors a playoff team however mark jackson's group matured early after overcoming adversity
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and began their underdog run as a sixth seed in the western conference postseason and warriors first playoff game in 267 days, giving a little bogut taste there. now to the fourth quarter, warriors down seven but david lelanding awkwardly and gets up and shoots free-throws but would be hurt later with a hip strain after he hit both of the free-throws. turning it over, law son, he'll lay it up, nuggets up by three. next possession, curry right back at them. a kick out here. are you kidding me? the surface shot is good, tie ball game which leads us to 15 seconds left. andre miller, the last possession of the game lays it in and that's the final score, 97-95 the nuggets win. >> mean while to baseball, buster posey is in san
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francisco's lineup, that's not necessarily news but it is compelling i will catch tim lincecum for only the first time this season. amid speculation, bochy also knows what he needs from his team tonight. >> stay out of the big inning, hit him more than anything. that's what we're looking for more than anything, you know, just keep trying to give him a quality start. >> once they get rolling together, it will be like anything else. you can change catchers all you want for a guy but until he gets it together a little bit, it doesn't matter who is catching him. in buster's case, he's an asset and you use it as much as you can. that's what he's looking to do. >> the red sox back at fenway park for the first time since the bombings and neil diamond a little sweet caroline in the eighth inning.
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♪ sweet caroline >> meanwhile to baseball, red sox down 2-1. santa clara approximate nova, a three-run shot giving the red sox a 4-3 win. meanwhile, we hope you'll come back for the 6:00 newscast. we'll have complete coverage and reaction live from denver as the warriors fall in the first playoff game in quite some time. despite the heartbreaking result, they prove they can make a series out of this with the three seed denver nuggets. when we come back, we'll show you how the boston marathon bombings have made an impact in london. that's next.
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yeah, kfc! original recipe. original recipe? dad, i think you ate the bones. i did what? you ate the bones! i ate the bones? i ate the bones! i ate the bones! [ male announcer ] kfc original recipe, now available without the bone. freshly prepared white or dark meat chicken, boneless and skinless. get 4 delicious, mouth-watering pieces in your next 10 piece mixed bucket for $14.99. today tastes so good.
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the bombings at the boston marathon are changing security procedures at all kinds of events, from baseball games to concerts and not just in in country. security has been stepped up for tomorrow's london marathon as well. part of an effort to reassure participants to watch and cheer on runners. police said there will be 40% more officers on duty compared to last year. they also added teams with working dogs and helicopters as well. right now we want to check in on this spectacular forecast one more time. >> so nice. one of those days you wish you could take it outside, classroom outside. >> maybe we can do our newscast outside. >> there we go. we're outside now. that's our little window. clear skies across the bay area, we'll continue to see warm conditions. if you thought today was nice, it's going to be warmer tomorrow by 5 degrees and 10 degrees by monday. tomorrow mid to upper 80s, near 90 inland on monday. keep the water handy and take
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frequent breaks if you have respiratory ailments. >> i did see the flag waving there so there's a little wind. >> a little natural ac. >> thanks for watching "nbc bay area news" at 5:00. more local news at 6:00. we'll see you then. good night. on this saturday night from boston, captured. new details about the suspects in the marathon bombings after one of the biggest manhunts in u.s. history. and a final shoot-out. tonight, how two brothers after years in america, may have been radicalized and what their relatives have to say. while remembering the victims, a city reawakens and rejoices and a country remains on edge.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television good evening. behind me is copley square, the area where it all started five days ago with those two deadly explosions. tonight boston's pearlizing week of terror is over. investigators now believe there are only two people behind the attack, a pair of brothers. one is dead, the other badly injured, but captured. if those bombs that went off here last monday afternoon knocked this city to its knees then the dramatic events that unfolded just over the river in watertown last evening surely helped put it back on its feet. across the area, people celebrated in the streets, grateful after a law enforcement dragnet of a scale never before seen in this country, brought this ordeal to a climatic, but peaceful ending. our team remains in place tonight as we learn a great deal more about what happened and the people police say did it. let's start with nbc's kerry
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sanders, who was right in the thick of things when the manhunt ended. kerry, good evening. >> reporter: good evening. a day later and details of the hunt and capture of the most wanted man in america are now clear. today in this sports crazy town at the red sox game, tributes to the victims and cheers for the first responders. ♪ hallelujah >> reporter: the blanket of fear on this community was lifted when it was confirmed that 19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev was no longer a threat. 4:30, friday morning, authorities notified much of watertown a fugitive is on the loose. >> there's an ongoing manhunt for a person wanted in connection with monday's bombing. >> reporter: a good portion of watertown was already awake because it sounded like a war zone. one suspect, 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev, was dead, and another, his younger brother, had escaped a police dragnet. 7:59 a.m., daylight.


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